
If you have some time, please answer the following questions in your blog.

1. Concerning Religion:
a) Which religion discussed in class was the least interesting and why?
b) Which religion was the most interesting or changed your attitude? Why?

For me, all of the religions we learned were very interesting! There were no uninteresting religions. It’s because we usually don’t have the chance to see such people, such as Muslims. I had a really good experience listening to the presentations about Buddhism, even though I already knew a bit about it. Learning something new or something I don’t know can’t be uninteresting!

2. Looking back at all the other topics discussed, which one do you remember as being the most interesting whereby you learned a lot?
I liked “politics” especially with watching some movies. It was fun. We found that some people in our class have mind, like American people (including me). And I had a presentation about politics of Italy with my group!

3. Which topic was least important to cross culture discussions?
Nothing. :o)

4. Which speakers were most interesting and what did you learn?
The person who was married to the Australian was interesting to me. Everyone in our class will have a baby sometime in our future, so I was interested by the lecture.

Dear Ms. Meiki
I had wonderful experiences in your class. I really enjoyed it, and liked it very much!!
Thank you. ;o)

1 件のコメント:

HJU Teacher さんのコメント...

Thanks for answering the survey. I enjoyed having you in my class, too. Have a good summer.