
Family Life

please answer the questions in the textbook on page 14, section 4 a-f. Do not give one sentence answers, but explain them by giving evidence and examples.

a. When do children usually leave home?
I think, it’s after children graduate their high school. After high school everyone does other things, like some people keep studying, some people work.

b. How many people live in your home?
My Mom, my Dad, and my cat live in my home right now. I have 5 members in my family including my Mom and Dad, but my brother and my sister already left home. I live in a dormitory now, so that’s why there are only my Mom, Dad, and my cat in my home right now.

c. Do you have a head of the family?
Not really, but I think my Mom is our head. My Dad usually doesn’t care about anything, so he doesn’t say anything to us. In my family, we always tell Mom when we have something.

d. Who does the housework?
My Mom does. My Dad is trying to help her. He washes the bathtub, takes out the garbage, and takes in the laundry.

e. Who runs the family?
It’s my Mom. I think that’s why my Mom is our head of my family. As I said, my Dad usually doesn’t say anything to as, and we always ask or tell my Mom first.

f. How many rooms do you have to sleep in?
My sister and I used to sleep together when we lived in our home, and my Mom and my Dad always sleep together. My brother slept in his own room, so we have three rooms to sleep in, I think.

9 件のコメント:

seaman さんのコメント...
seaman さんのコメント...

I agree with your some comments.
I think 18 years old is one turning point in their life, because they are pressed for decision, like stay home or leave home. But I go to school from my home.

haveagoodday さんのコメント...

sounds like your mom is stronger than your dad. haha actually, my mom is too. im sure your dad and mom miss you and your siblings.

nyaa さんのコメント...

Thank you for reding, seaman.
Yea, if I didn't get a chance to live by myself right now, I 'm sure also I live with my fimily now. But, I think that to live with own parents(family) is a very great thing!!

Thank you for reding, haveagoodday.
Actually, I miss my Mom. hahaha
Yea, my Mom is very strong, but I mean not strict. She is just she can understand me perfectly.
Do you miss your Mom?? ^^

Rolf さんのコメント...

I think its more common for Japanese people to live at home for a long time. I know its very common in America for children to move out between 18 and 21, but most of my Japanese friends still live with their parents and they're between 23 and 28 years old! I could never live with my parents when I'm that old!

yellow dress さんのコメント...

I envy your family because your mom is stronger than dad!! My family is oppositeto your parents, and I feel sorry about my mother because my father is too obstinate!!

yoppy さんのコメント...

Your dad is so kind!! My dad rarely help housework!I think housework is not only women's job, we have to share.

nyaa さんのコメント...

Thank you for reading, rolf.
Yes, It's difference. Some Japanese paople live with their family until they marry.

Thank you for reading, yellow dress.
Yes, my Mom is our boss, and we always respect her. Wow, I think your Dad is a kind of a fine type of father!!

Thank you for reading, yoppy.
Yea, I think so too. Also kids should help their parents because they are family!!

RiddledSphinx さんのコメント...

I'm glad that your mom rules the house! I wonder if it gave you a different outlook than your friends whose fathers rule...? I know that my outlook is different because of something like that!